
remembering the past......

suddenly all the good times i shared with my og frens came to me so i decided to write wad happened on our 1st OGO even though it happened like weeks ago....yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!i still remember like it was only yesterday......

on that day,hwee siang and shimin and definitely ME decided to meet at amk mrt station as all 3 of us were living near there
and we got direct bus so we wanted to meet up bfore going down to meet cherilyn n others.

well...i was the first to reach..needless to say and follow up was the arrival of shimin
but my fren was late..how can it be....make me so ma lu sia( i dun really mean it sia so dun take it too seriously hor).....but it was okie cos i said i would wait for him regardless how late it was.....haha....

aft everyone arrived and the intro was over we went to take the train...yeah.....
but as we were going down there there were like smses on whos not going n me and shimin were like shld we go or not but luckily when were arrvied we saw quite a number of them even though the numbers were not wad we expected lah.....

first up was POOL,a rather interesting game where u pay money and use the stick to poke the ball and this went on for like hours....and especially for a newbie like me,cherilyn and wei ming it is defnitely a stupid game lah.

bfore the game ended another og fren...known as glicia,came along and aft which we payed up for the pool game and the gals went to the arcade to find something to play and they played a game where by 3 or 4 gals have to push buttons and so call "compete" with each other to see who is beta or something and while this game went on cherilyn was like screaming and so high tt almost every eyes in the arcade were looking at her.

next up we decided to go for dinner as the time was already quite late...didnt noe time flies so fast sia...and we were like standing there deciding on where to eat and wad to eat. it really took a very LONG time for them to decide and finally a choice was made n pastamania was chosen....

okie when everyone were at pastamania...jokes were cracked and everyone started to lik go against cherilyn each time she say something. and aft dinner we wanted to say like catch a movie or something so we went to look for a cinema and eventually we splited up into two grps bcos cherilyn we were like competing who will get there first and when we walk until halfway we saw a shop selling lots of cute anime stuff and we stopped to have a look and here comes the best part where cherilyn's grp continued walking without noticing that our grp has stopped so we didnt bother to call them until like aft cherilyn checked out the timing and wad so ever than she bgan calling us and asking where we were

so aft which they came to find us and we stayed at the shop a little longer than we expected and aft which we went on to gai gai and came to another arcade shop where there were this basketball machine where again ppl spend their money to throw the ball in it(i wonder y dun they just buy a durable ball and go to e courts below their flats and just continue shooting)...okie back to where we stop...

so shimin and glicia and zai hao decided to like have a go with it cos they didnt bother to play alone cos they were shy so shimin and glicia formed a pair to fight against zai hao and the scores were so shocking cos zai hao said he played basketball bfore or something(not to sure whether it was true) and somehow zaihao scored 27 pts and the other pairs scroed 100++ nearing 200 pts and the results were obvious who won...needless to say=.=

aft which was toy r us time where we went to play...or the beta word to use is "DESTROY"...so spent aound 30-45 mins in there and aft which chreilyn has to go home bcos she have home curfew..T.T..but aft which shimin's fren called and she was like tempted to go find her frens so we followed her and she was talking with her fren while we were behind toking abt other things and they somehow toked abt the eye but prisc called it a pubic so were like laughing on this issue so much that wei ming wad trembling when he was laughing and aft which it was agian time to decide wad to do next so we walked until halfway stop at one place and formed a circle to decide wad to do next...

aft a series of discussions,they decided to catch a movie so we went to the cinema to find out the timings again but at a different venue and than we saw tt there were not too much of good shows and timing so we decided not to watch and in addition to tt the queue were very very very LONG so we didnt wan to wait so we formed the circle,AGAIN, and discussed wad to do next and our next stop will b macdonalds where we will rot there.

when we reached macdonalds the grp found a place where aircon was seriously lacking but we have to force ourselves to sit there as the place was quite fully packed so we have no choice but to choose the sit and aft settling down we were like adding each other's number and email address.

aft which we bought some drinks to consume and dunno how it happened glicia and zai how came up with soemthing called "imaginary frens" and they were laughing and crazy on it and it scared the lady sitting at the table besides us cos she turned and looked at us for like a total of 6-7 times bfore she finally cant take it and went out.

we managed to rot there to abt 11pm++ and than we decided to go home and as we were walking, zaihao couldnt control his laughter so glicia purposely made him laugh and he finally couldnt take it he sat on the floor and laugh and we were like so shocked seeing him laugh until like tt.

aft which we splited up as we lived in different areas of singapore so it was bye bye to all while me and my sis took the north south line bakc to amk where i can take 74 back to my hse.

it was a nice day and i had great fun with my og ppl...ORION 5 UNLEASH!!!!....AH..AH..AH.....and i m seriously looking forward to another OGO.


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