
y r humans like this.....

it is a fun day today........

okie everything in sch wad fine today where except my mummy not here so i was quite speechless and tired in class but nevertheless i manage to get through such a stupid and boring day.......and aft the pe....cherilyn was like coming to me and telling me tt she got stomachache and maybe she is not going for the concert than i was like if u not going than i also not going lah but in the end aft much persuasion she manage to go...YEAH!!!....

aft we went there it was like listen to abt 4 or 5 songs than she need go liao than as a gentlemen like me definitely need send someone like her go home lah so it was like we took a cab to aljunied from the esplanade than she said she wanted to pay and when we reached aljunied mrt station we got off the cab and the walking begins.

the distance was long but it was somehow worth it as we were able to like tok to each other bcos it was a long time since we tok to each other like tt so i walked her home and when she reached...she said bye and stuffs like thanks for walking me home...so i was like so touched when she said something like tt than aft which i walked back to the mrt station on my own(so poor thing) to take mrt go home.

bfore i reached the mrt station she smsed me tt she was grateful tt i walked her home bcos it was very scary for a gal like her to walk back home as the streets were dark and the environment wasnt tt suitable for a gal to walk home herself and she said some other things tt it shld only for me to noe and for u readers out there to guess!!!!! happy guessing >.<>

Thanks Cherilyn!!!!!!!!!!!
& Shimin jie, i will always share ur burden for u and with u

trust me on tt...
Lovezzz UU.....


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