
28th and 29th june

28th June 2008

today was quite fun....for me lah..
dinner i went out to eat with parents man...it is like e first time...
haha....i at home dun like go out eat one..
yeah im lazy i admit....haha...
okie went to hougang mall to wait for my mum....wow....
than went to have dinner...bfore tt at there waiting...started to sms shimin and cherilyn
haha thye both replied.....haha...duh!!!
okie than tok to them.....when to the coffeeshop there...
parents like crazy sia....started ordering dam nice food...
dunno is it bcos i suddenly went out for dinner...
haha no lah is just tt i felt tt every time i have now i shall spent it on my parents...
dun wish to anger them further...felt so bad lah...
yeah yeah i noe u all will b wondering im a bad boy...
yes i m...haha...
okie than receive one sms from cherilyn...
she said....dun disturb u liao lah...
omg than i replied no u werent...
than she replied lol...
than i ask y...
than she said cos u out with ur parents or smthing similar...
lol than i replied...lol so good upbringing man...lol than she was like...
okie than tok to shimin abt the guy she like went crazy for..haha jk jk...
lol wad we tok abt is private...not to b written here...
if u all wan noe come find me lor...haha no lah definitely wont tell u...
haha...i accept briberies of $1000 dollars and above...
lol...i think it is abt time lah for her...bcos of the ex-bf make her so like emo everyday...
at first when i didnt noe her tt well i tot she was a very happy person
than it was like omg when i noe her...everyday so ke lian lor when chatting with her in msn..
haha.....but nvm....SHIMIN U FINALLY MADE IT THROUGH....haha...
hope the flowers can bloom lor for this one...haha...
lol next is i beta dun go too close to meryl in sch lah....aft something that happened...
haha....ppl r misunderstanding me and her lah...and she still got bf....
i beta dun go too close with her...beta stick to weikai and group beta....
haha...dun let those busybody aunties and uncles out there the tongue wag...

To Shimin:
wow thanks lah...maybe choose monday or wad lah...lol....until than than we decide lor...
or maybe u decide lor...u noe i very easy going with outings and stuffs...
not much of opinion...haha...

To Cherilyn:
lol dunno wad to say to u..haha...but anyway i admire ur good upbringing...not saying tt mine sucks....haha...

29th June 2008

lol today was quite boring cos as usual i slept to like 1.30pm today
than went on to studying...
so boring right...haha
but than also went to eat dinner with parents...lol
today brother was at home so went to eat together lor...
nothing special happened except...
at the coffeeshop...
the maid and the seafood auntie got a small argument...
i think is abt miscommunication of stuff like tt...
haha...it was a very small argument...
dun let ur imagination run wild..
haha so tts all for this two days...
so long suckers...haha jk...


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