
2 days left

Countdown to exams....2 days...

okie there is only exactly two days left bfore the exams finally start man.........and another thing to do.....sry aisha for deleting ur blog....i didnt do it on purpose one ah....i changed by blogskin for dunno how many times than forgot to note down urs....paiseh=sry

okie today did some revision....revised on econs and some stuffs...finally noe that econs im like lagging bhind so much but i didnt noe man......and also another thing to say....SHIMIN JIAYOU AH!!!!!!...lol...i jiayou man gal.....dun put so much time on ur band man and therefore neglect ur studies....jiayou as much as u can....dun give up on any subjects unless u really no more time to study liao than just browse through the formulas bah...hope u can good grades for exams too....haha...

okie now im trying to rush myself to faster finish writing this blog to go and watch 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 haha maybe the only show during the weekend that can make me destress bah....haha....okie byezzz off to study and watch tv show....


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