
happy day for me

okie first things first.......I GOT MY FIRST A IN JC......

okie now proceed to wad happened today.....

early in the morning wake up...blah blah blah....than went to sch and the first person i saw today is tf.....i think i forgot how to spell her name....quite a nice gal lah....always giving ppl some encouragement and things like tat.....haha....and yesterday told her my birthday than she said she wanted to be part of it....so happy to noe her as my fren lah....lol....

okie than i went to history lecture....blah blah blah.....get to add someone in 1s28 in my msn....his name is shang fa....short form sf....lol...okie some basic intro of him......he is from nan chiau...quite a quiet guy....not much into expressing himself....and one thing i and him have in common....he is also bad in history...haha...same as me.....

lol okie im not being evil here or something but it is very hard to find someone to have almost the same grade as me in a history essay u noe.....cos he and i couldnt remember the facts lah....lol

okie now move on.....aft finishing history lecture, went to the library with meryl and did our econs essay....first we decided to use the nice comfy computers in the room but apparently i think the comp hates us or something so in the end we ended up using the comp outside where we have to stand....cant they put some chairs there....my god....

lol okie so did my econs quiz there.....score only 6/10 for this quiz cos meryl did hers first but i was like bside her thinking with her....we were like crazy lor....one comp we do quiz and the other comp we went to open up all the lecture notes.....but i managed to get my 6 bcos i didnt wan to like win her bcos mainly she was the one teaching me........haha....

lol so aft which sf came to the library to meet us to do the econs quiz than we had a great time doing up the quiz.....and somehow we gave them some help......of cos....cos he gave us some help for the first quiz.....

okie so time flies and 11am came and we have to rushed to chemistry to get back our chem bonding lecture test paper.....lol....at first i didnt carry much hope to get a good grade....just hoped that i passed can liao.....but when we were there, ms liu didnt like wanna wait for the others so she gave out the papers and congrats to weikai for getting A and having a score of quite high marks.....not bad.....always say he stupid or wad than in the end he's a silent killer just like my fren last time....always say he not good in this and that and aft exams always say he fail wont get good grades than in the end own ppl like hell....hate such ppl....haha no lah just jk nia.......lol happy that i noe him........lol....

okie now back to me i got 21/30 and ms liu wrote there, gd effort u finally made it...than i was like wad.....lol i remember myself not writing very good answers for this test but somehow the answers were right in a sense........lol i was like so happy but in the mean time humble cos i noe i still got a long way to improve myself and stuffs....

okie aft saying my grades wanna hope that my frens who r also taking h2 chem also score good grades.......i hope and pray for them.......

okie aft which i went for econs.......lol and than throughout the whole of econs right....only meryl and silent killer was answering mr ang's questions.......hate them for being so clever....and also hate myself for being lazy n not a good boy........sianz........

need buck up liao.......i can foresee that if i dun...meryl and silent killer and several quite clever ppl in my class will own me in midyrs....lol.....

actually i have the verge of giving up on jc life....but somehow.......i think i have the power to overcome it as long im more hardworking and stuff so.......i have decided to keep on working hard.......GAMBATTE........lol

and btw today i had my chinese oral.....always have the feeling of nervousness when coming to oral...didnt noe y......cos during o lvls oso like that....than it was like during my own 5 mins i managed to read it so fluently but when it comes to the teacher i always make some little mistake....so irritating........

lol but anyways basically today was quite a happy day for me....even though happy days always have some sadness to balance it up.......my pw grp should b consulting mr lim today but i dun noe y the grp leader nv arrange at all.....cannot see light in my pw for now....i think the mist have covered up my path ahead.......but nvm i believe the mist will go away if i work hard.....but nvm its okie.....everything is predestined.......lol.........first time i m so optimistic.....lol i tot im an emoing crab.......

okie so basically this is my day....hope everyone in this world also had a great day like me......gonna go study bfore i lag bhind.........gambatte


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