
tired and sick

now here i m blogging......trying to focus on my studies but apparently i failed in doing so....

and the next thing i noe...im sneezing and down with a cold.....dunno wad happened maybe im too stressed up or wad...cant b bothered by those things......received my chinese test yesterday...not very well done....got only 54 over 80 marks.....should be happy....cos if u convert it is a B grade but wad is my grade.....u all shld noe since im not happy with a B than it should be an.....(leave u guess on your own).....

than now im blogging while smsing cherilyn........another shocking thing is....which actually not much of a shock lah cos it is like almost everyone forgot abt it.....she forgot when was my birthday again........nah im not furious just sad.....real sad....didnt noe y.....nvm abt tt.....shld i b sad abt......shld i not b sad abt it and move on....

i cant find an answer for this now.....maybe i shld move on and carry on with my this not so much interesting life....maybe if i werent here in this world suddenly.....i can only believe that it will only b my family who will sad for me.........i doubt others will....some may even gloat.......

i shall move on and force myself and study hard....work hard is the only thing i can think of now...currently.......

shall go back to studying..........


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