
blogging again

okie back into blogging for some particular reasons....

1st: To clarify my birth date
2nd: To clarify my wishes for 2008
3rd: To tok abt my boring life

okie now first up the list.....my birth date is 15 July 1991 okie...........pls remember

secondly......wishes for this yr....first thing is in my sch life this is the first time i ever celebrate my birthday with real frens....not like those in secondary sch....this yr i wish to have several things.....oooo....quite alot man.......haha...but anyway.....i wish to get a new bag and a new pencil case.....i put my stationary in my bag.......lol like im the only one doing that....haha......next wan to have a new bag......my bag carry light things is okie but carry heavy things the cushion inside the bag is not that good so my shoulders hurt at the end of the day.....and finally my last wish......i wish all my og best frens will celebrate my birthday with me....i dun wish to go though this yr myself.....but actually my biggest wish is....let everyone remember this day......especially the frens who have their names mentioned her.....cherilyn...shimin....meryl.....amanda....and all og frens.....hope they remember...if everyone remember right i will b so happy

okie next up is the blogging of my boring life.....this whole week is like study and nothing much else cos the days left to mid yrs are scaring me....dunno is it me or wad.....somehow i dunno how to start toking back to my sis.....i want to tok one but whenever i start i wish to quickly stop the conversation........i hoep this sickness will not last forever.........haha.......

anyway gotta got back to studying........not much time left...........ahahaahaha.........


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