
apologetic post

OMG.......im like now so depressed from angry with someone......

she was hurt by wad i did to her.....i cant believe that i manage to be angry with her for 2 str8 days lah....i dunno wad got over me that made me did such things.....she helped me when someone scolded me...she was there for me when i felt stressed up and wanted to give up...but in the end i did such things to her.....i really dunno wad to do sia.....furthermore she was so forgiving and said nothing happened between us...at all....and we r still best frens....this made me feel even worst.....how shld i face her......how can i continue b her bro........i promised i will b there for her whenever she needs me.....but i didnt fulfill wad i need to do.....

seriously apologetic........i think i need time to find back the real me..........find back who i m....and maybe until than....i may get the answer of how to face her........


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