
omg wad a fun lesson

okie today was a great day to start off with.....first up was chem make up lesson.....from 10 to 12pm.....it sounds sianzzzz but it was fun.....ms liu was like so funny lah

the first joke was tt she was teaching us question 6 from chem bonding tutorial notes and the covalent character of a compund comprises of 4 different structure and one of the structure is simple molecule with van der waals' forces of attraction and in this structure there is something called temporary dipole and permanent dipole interactions and ms liu keep saying the temporary into tempolaly dipole so the class was like laughing like hell bcos she didnt knew it until like we told her......

the second joke is when ms liu gave back riyaz chem lecture test and she said a joke and at first we didnt quite get it but in the end we were laughing like hell lor....

Ms liu said,"riyaz pls dun get so many U grades, even though i know SRJC all 4 U's"
than the whole class was like "SRJC all for you" and than we finally get the joke...than we were like laughing like hell lor.........

okie jokes aside now and i got back my lecture test....i managed to obtain 15.5/30 marks so i was like so happy lah i jumped from a U grade to a D grade....hello hard work pays off okie.....i studied like from 3 to around 5pm and did all the extra tutorial gave by ms liu and downloaded an extra aspire redox tutorial to do....than i was like zombie at 5pm bfore slping for like 1hr and woke up again for sch.....so i m sure that HARD WORK PAYS OFF...

and btw shimin jie dun sad lah i noe u tried ur best.....dun give up on chem okie.....jiayou jiayou for next test....must b like me even though we fail test we must work harder k!!!!!!!!!!!GAMBATTE...............

and for me nw i m writing on my blog and studying for history at the same time.......wow i m so pro sia.......lol and btw grats to my classmate weikai for getting B in chem......wad a smart ass sia....history got B and chem lecture test got B also.....so pro.....so proud to be his fren.....hahaha.....okie need go study liao not much time left bfore mid yrs

waaaa so stress......no time liao.............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....must jiayou

(^(oo)^)*signing off*(^(oo)^)


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