
so long nv blog liao

okie i m back into blogging aft leaving it for so long......i think it has somehow became a graveyard liao lor.....

nah but who cares abt that now im back i think i shld blog quickly.....

sianzzzzz.....time flies and next tuesday is my real A lvl spa exam for skills B and C and i m like still blogging here lol.....must jia you in spa lor must get lvl 8 for skills B and C.....even though i m rather stress and tensed up but still got my classmates they all....haha now getting along with my frens well lor....and the frens here refer to like evelyn, jia le, yan hui, weikai they all lor and i even asked meryl to like join us and it is like finally i wont b like with one fren and forget abt the other one so it is like....皆大欢喜....hahahahaha......

i found it is like so great to b with them even though sometimes will be like left out or something but i believe long liao this will improve lor.....haha hope so lah....must pray hard.....

okie next up is studying lor.....must study hard lioa the mid yrs r coming right up and i believe i may stop blogging and even stop using comp bcos the schedule set is like so tight and to my surprise i just realised that the chinese oral is like coming up during our june holidays if i m not wrong so it is like OMG everything is so tightly packed together like the particles in a solid man.....must buck sia i wish to go to hong kong.....and it is like top 100 students from the mid-yrs than can like get into this trip so must GAMBATTE...... jia you to realise this dream lor and to make more frens lah cos i very loner one so if go there liao must make more frens.....and i think thats all liao i need go study my gp...next week gp test again...so sad.....and i must overcome stress..................JIA YOU ADRIAN U CAN DO IT.....I WILL SURPASS EVERYONE IN MY CLASS AND SCORE THE BEST I CAN.....1...2....3....JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU


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