
a happy day for me

okie im back in blogging liao....so long nv blog liao so sad right...cos...................adrian is here......dun fear.....cos i will make ur life even more bored.....hehehe....

nah ignore the first paragraph cos i was like crapping or something cos mainly i was bored.....now here is the blog for this whole week......basically the mondays to fridays i a very bored period of time whereby i go to sch and come back from sch so tired i dun wish to blog so dun b curious if u find tt my blog only got like so little posts cs jc life is tiring....

next i shall tell u the fun i had on sunday with cherilyn...my best best best best best best best best(and this goes on for 1 more hour or so......) fren.

yesterday morning woke up at 6.30am and brush,bath,changed and when back to college cos cherilyn asked me to(not blaming u ah) and when i arrived at abt 8pm cos i was a little bit late she arrived 2 mins aft me so as usual we went to run 3 rounds around the track bfore we start studying so aft which we went to the lockers to get her gp stuff(tats wad we came back here for) and u noe wad funny things we did......it was rather dark in the hallway for the lockers so cherilyn switched on the lights but guessed wad...aft switching on the lights for the hallway it didnt make much difference so we were like laughing lah....than we went to the good news cafe and switched on the lights and the fans for ourselves and start studying...yeah at this pt of time u will think tt we r very selfish right....haha and if u really think like tt i will be so disappointed in ur iq cos there werent anyone there so instead of wasting electricity y not just switch on the amt we wish to use...haha...okie now back to me and cherilyn....okie aft switch on than we study(blah blah blah) than we were like so stressed up than started to tok abt cantonese dramas and we found out we have so much things in common lah....OMGYM(borrow from shimin)...than we were like listening to cantonese songs like nobody's business lah..

so happy on tt and i was studying mock spa lah so sad tuesday got mock spa.....i hope i can get lvl 8 lah for first time....and i will pray and thank the gods.....okie than aft tt cherilyn wanted to leave liao than she said she wan change than i like wan go toilet also mah so i wanted to call her bring her thngs along cos the things put there ltr may kanna stolen by someone horrendous freakos so when she left i took everything along for her and i was like so heavy lor but it was worth it somehow....and than she went to change than i went to the toilet to release water than aft which i finish faster than her...duh...when did guys go toilet slower than a gal bsides changing of clothes lah...so when i came out i saw her bottle like going empty liao so help her refill lor...than when she finally came out she saw her bottled refill and she said how come u noe i wan refill than she said thanks than i was like of cosi noe i m a very xi xin person okie...just tt u dunno this yet lah...

than we walked out to sch toking than actually earlier we decided to run like 1 more round bfore going to leave than it was like the sun so scorching hot than i didnt wan to run cos i scared i zhong shu tts y we left lor...

when to hougang mall to eat mac with her than she used her pts to get one fillet o'fish than she suddenly say she wan eat happy meal so she somehow treated me with tt and she got herself a happy meal....thanks to cherilyn for tt......than we went to take the train down to dhoby gaut than change to ns line to orchard than we went to the sony ericcson to repair her hp than i told her my shoulder pain sia and she touched my shoulder or something lah and at tt pt of time i felt tt she was really a gal who is so xi xin lah...than there wad not so much ppl like the last time i went there...so sad for me lah....she waited for one person only than it was her turn liao so i was like okie she went lah but i didnt follow her cos i have to look aft the bags while she told the person wad was wrong abt the phone.....

than i wan like watching mr bean the animated cartoon and when she got back i told her it was a funny cartoon like for tt episode than she asked if i wna watch finish first than we sat there and watched the cartoon....aft which she told me to changed back into my college t-shirt cos she felt old walking with me cos i was wearing montfort pe while she was wearing srjc pe so i went to changed back lah.....aft which she said she didnt want to go home so early and wanted to catch a movie so we went to the shaw house there and see got wad movie to watch than we decided to watch "the hottie and the not hottie" and bcos the movie was like starting in a few minutes time we quickly bought the tickets and ran to the cinema room and sat down....

in the cinema right got this two malay couples i suppose sitting at our seats so we were like okie fine if u wan do something bad tt side was really the best sit so we let them sit there while we sat near the middle path of the cinema and than bfore the movie started there was this commercial on this movie called "over my dead body" and it was seriously funny and cherilyn felt tt we bought the wrong tickets and tt we shld watch this movie instead and she told me next time we come watch this movie and i was like okie lor(so happy lah at tt time)....

but nvm we continued to watch the hottie and the nottie and the were several parts of the movie which is so funny and there were some sexual scenes lah but overall it was a great movie and than the ending was quite romantic than aft the show cherilyn went to the toilet while i waited for her than i found out that over my dead body is not in cinemas yet so we were like okie than next time come watch than along the way out of the cinema i told her tt the tickets for saturday today was $9.50 and she actually wanted to pay me back for the tickets so i was like okie cos i didnt want to like say i treat her or something lah...feared tt she tot i have wad motives or something.....than we went to take the mrt home....

okie while going back i decided to send her home or something so i told her i send her home first so aft sending her home i went home by 62 which was way faster than tt of a mrt...(didnt noe y so fast lah) than when i reached home i was like studying my spa again than eat dinner than went to slp......tt was the whole day of saturday with cherilyn.................next time must go out with her again......


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