

okie today wasnt quite a bad for me.....although the fact tt i was sick and lost my voice the day was still fine for me....

pe was fun and i dunno how i manage to do it and i was able to run 5 rounds in like 12 mins and here comes the bad part, when i was like going to run my last round the signal went off and everyone was forced to stop pe and the pe lesson ended like tt...so proud of myself and a little angry...haha but overall it was fun ^_^

aft p.e, my jie ask me got homework or not and am i free so i said i got no homework and i was somehow free so she said can accompany her go home so i was like okie lor but aft getting onto the bus i realised she wanted free labour actually....T.T so sad

but shouldnt guys help gals when they need it???? so i agreed to it and off we went to amk than shimin bought something to eat and we went to see her mum to collect the keys and than went to her hse the shop there to see if the printing was finished or not and than it didnt took very long for the auntie to finish printing tt whole pile of paper and one think i think i am proud to say is tt the auntie still grouped them all nicely whereas those outside just photostat and throw back to u....

than brought to shimin the hse there and found out tt her bro was at home and when i go inside her hse i didnt noe if i shld say hi to her bro or not....so in the end i didnt say hi.....OMG i feel so impolite.....nv been so impolite in my whole life bfore sia.............

than aft which i went home by bus

okie now is the joke i promised to share with u all:


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