


for the past few days was so tired and tied up with homework tt i didnt blog or use my comp....so sad...

but now IM BACK............

okie first up is i got chosen into photog club and it was like my first choice cos it is quite a slack cca lah and by slack i mean u go there look at pictures and than u get to learn how to use cameras haha....

aft which will b the program for today...it was quite fun today in discussing the green wave thing but i think i like didnt do much things cos a little bit sad bcos my jie said i like criticising ppl and petty and i was like okie so sad aft hearing so i intend to change and another stone fell on my heart...cos the next thing she said was u can nv change....at tt time i think my heart torn into two pieces lah...

than i was like emo in the library but try not to show them i sad cos they said me like tt but ltr on i was fine and we went to ajitei to have dinner and it burned my pocket...SERIOUSLY....but it was quite worth it if it is like once in a blue moon or something....

than aft which we went home and while we were walking we saw meryl again(bfore tt she left with her bf to play arcade) and we tok for like a few more minutes than we calculate the money than we decide to go home.

cherilyn lives in aljunied so we took different trains and i walked my god jie jie home and she was like so high and keep saying i very good lor and keep hitting me and i feel so good when she hit me lah cos tt type of hit is like sis-bro bonds like tt....

and than i went home myself....the end of today's program


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