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OMG it is like so long nv blog liao lor......the scent of blogging is back..............

i somehow feel tt i noe who the passerby is...........is it evelyn........or is it not her and some1 else who is trying to destroy me in silent.....(i cant seriously figure out the answer yet....) n i seriously have a very bad feeling abt it.....

okie nvm tt for now lets go into the topic of BLOGGING....i suppose u ppl come here to look at my WONDERFUL LIFE(*cough*cough*).....but it is not quite wonderful lah....so much things happened to me sia....some good some bad

lets tok abt the bad things first....first up is abt evelyn again...i hope she dun get mad at me for writing her again bcos it is like i dunno how i feel abt her leh

and this is how it all began.........................

during maths test, mrs lee/mdm chua told us to remove everything except for the things NECESSARY for the maths test and apparently the table i chose is a table tt when u write on it it will have those kind of horrendous noise but i cant possibly write like as if i m enjoying myself cos it is like a...erm...a TEST.....and the time given was like 15 mins only and i tried to finish it on time so tt i have sufficient time to check my work but when i first started writing evelyn turned around n looked at me like as if i disturbed her or something but it is like no help wad this is hows the table being made and i tried to write softer but on second thought i didnt bother to like give in and continued to write my own style....

apparently the test was so easy and i manage to like finish it bfore the time is up and i decided to relax myself for a while bfore checking my answer again to confirm that no carelessness was made...therefore i rest behind onto the chair and the chair made those squeaky noises and once again...evelyn turned around and gave me tt look again.....it is both irritating and annoying to me at tt pt of time bcos it is like no one in tt room gave me tt look and she was like the only one...thus making her look weird in my eyes...

but nvm i managed to like forget abt it and than up next was chinese class.....and another nightmare was like awaiting me but i wasnt aware of it.......

so went to chinese and our mei ren lao shi said she will b giving back the compo we have written and i was like rather eager to take a look at how many marks have i scored in this essay...but things were nv tt smooth for me bcos when mei ren lao shi said tt i wrote somewhat a rather good compo i was like good=39.5 but aft tt i managed to realise y i got tt kind of marks and than mei ren lao shi said she wanted to like read my compo so i gave it to her...

than when she started to read i saw evelyn giving me those kind of *wadeva* look+*i seriously wan to get out of here* look=disturbing to me bcos i was like if u dun like it just say dun like it lah i wont mind one and i totally saw her facial expression cos of the seating arrangement...

WK YH JL Evelyn

u see the above sitting plan.......it is like i can totally see wad expressions she made and the worst thing was she is sitting diagonally facing the board so it was more ming xian lor....

aft chinese class went to look for god mummy and we went to lunch together bfore going back to study and finish up the homeworks waiting for us.....than told my god mummy abt this and she was like saying u shld have told mrs lee tt she turned around and looked at u twice bcos mrs lee made it clear tt ur eyes shld only b on ur own paper....and by seeing wad happened to vaani and devi i could easily tell tt mrs lee is very strict abt tt but if i told her i scared she really like tt do than i will b like so guo yi bu qu(and i mean it)

so i told my mummy nvm lor than she tell me dun take it into heart lah....than wasnt feeling well aft tt but have to complete chem and maths bfore going home and congrats to mummy for getting C for PW.....not a bad result lah although i aiming higher than u....sry to tell u tt....

and the day ended like this and saturday still need go back to study with my mummy but she was late and she was late by 1.5 HOURS it was exactly how long my god jie was late lor...so pissed off with gals who r late but gals always have the power to b late and guys always have the power to wait and nag them......provided if it was someone else...maybe i will go easy on the scolding lah........

okie the time i m blogging now is exactly 9 mins bfore i shld wake up....and if u have high or even a certain amt of iq u would have guessed tt i didnt sleep a wink for the whole night.....for those of u who guessed it give urself a pat on ur head to show tt u r smart and for those who didnt guessed it....dun give up but try again....

and share a joke with u guys and gals out there for reading a long and naggy post(dun blame me for it)...heres the joke...(apparently this computer have no chinese)so i shall write the joke out in chinese next time or maybe today or something if i have the free time....

okie gotta go bath and prepare for sch...and for u ppl who noe me pls dun say i look like panda hor if not i dun think u can make it out of this sch alive.........and i mean it...............okie ardios folks...or for simplicity....goodbye folks...


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