
bad day for me...

okie today was quite a bad day for me....

actually didnt wanna like write in blog one but i think apparently she dun really noe why m i angry with her....

u see it all started during pe lesson......she came over and we started toking and i started on my 5 stations and first up was shuttle run......i told her i was afraid and she was like telling me nvm u can do it one.....than aft i went to do the run than she came over and told me u dun look like u r running leh.....than apparently i was like okie fine......

than next was sit up and i did fine on this station so no need elaborate lor.....

than aft this was standing broad jump and she told me she wan see me jump and i was like dun wan lah cos i noe myself i m not good in this but in the end i went to jump and i forgot if she was there to see it or not but aft which.....i went to do my sit and reach and aft finishing i walk to the standing broad jump there and saw her and she told me guoren cant jump his standing broad jump and i was like okie than she said something abt me than i was like so pissed off liao....i noe my ownself so i told her i wont pass.....one part she was telling me u can one and the next thing she told me something different....and i was like so pissed off and i just walked away lor......

and i think until now she probably dunno y m i angry with her.....

and aft table tennis today weikai and me were like walking home and i weikai saw her and i saw her ltr(but not that late lah just a few seconds of difference)...and i knew she just finish band and she was at the carpark there while i was already on the pavement already so weikai told me to walk faster cos he knew wad happened so i just walk with him the same speed lor....

than aft which it was like coincidence or something when we were near the bus stop 62 just come and weikai and me took the same bus cos he said he could reach home in that bus so i was like okie.....and thanks weikai for taking the same bus as me....if not i will be like so lonely to go home myself even though it was only 5 stops but the 5 stops was very long to me...particularly today...dunno y.....

but anyways i m so happy in cca today managed to noe that my table tennis skills are improving but stil not those master lvl lah and i have a weakness which is i cant take left handed balls...which means i normally cant hit the ball if it comes from the left....and weikai pls STOP hitting left hand side ball to me......and i will get back my free drink from u okie.........

JIAYOU TO ME, MYSELF.................

i m so lonely in this world.....i believe that there is only one person who is good to me...and that will be myself.....even though there are frens.....but at the end of the day....the only person who knows u most is urself.....and always remember...humans are selfish in a way or another.......


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