
okie today was a fine day.......did my spa practical and my econs lecture essay test....spa was like a breeze for ppl who have studied...and i HAVE studied for it okie......haha so managed to finish up the calculations for everything and the chem teacher who assessed me was like so good lor

and basically the day was like normal lah nothing much to tok abt except SHIMIN made me woke up so early and waited in college for her like dunno how long ....lol but nvm lah.....guys should wait for gals one lah...i suppose.....or m i making an assumption....or is it a fallacy....i wonder!!!!

okie gotta go study cos mid yr is like ghost like tt coming after me.....and i think i will fail econs test....supposedly i dun think i had wrote that well for it but...who carezzzz


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