
today is a nice day

okie today was quite a fun day even though it is a monday whereby everybody is sianzzz in going back to sch and the worst thing is i have to end school at 5.30pm with pe....omg....

but nvm lah to me it is okie u noe....haha.....today ran 2.4km whereby i ran a 15.59mins for 2.4km

OMG i actually managed to run this timing which was way beta than the previous one....but al thanks to SHIMIN JIE JIE *claps* for her lah.....haha i was like walking during the 5th round and she was the one who made me run continuously for the last round and i managed o complete it in this timing which was like so shocking for me lah......thanks to her i managed to get this timing even though i didnt pass lah......just feel emotional abt this lah....

aft the pe lesson mr teng wanted to talk to me abt the diet thing and he said that my normal lifestyle is okie is just tt i m too lazy to go so i have determination this time round, must manage to cut down on weight.....

I WILL SUCCEED...................jiayou adrian.................


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