
lol for today

back to blogging......aft a few days......focusing seriously on studying....

okie today have chem bonding lecture test which i dun think i will do well or even pass for this test even though i told myself to give my full shot but i went to do a very stupid thing on the test which i think ms liu will most probably laugh to her death or something but i dun wish to let others noe wad i did so if u wanna noe ask me bah.....haha....

okie than aft the history lecture....finally.....went to kovan with weikai and meryl to eat ice cream cos i told them i have the coupons wad.....but in the end i was being asked to eat along with them cos i didnt wan to one but they felt it was too bad for them to eat all so i helped to eat too....haha....than meryl went to popular to renew her parent's popular card.....than the cashier told us we r not allow to eat in the popular store or something so i was like okie lor....than i went to stand at the door there to eat.....i wonder if i did it on purpose or something....lol....no lah i not so evil one okie.....haha....or do i.......

nvm abt tt......haha....than aft which weikai suggest to go eat kfc than i was like okie lor...no comments one....i very sui bian one lor....everytime go out with frens is like they suggest and i just follow......lol......but it was okie lah i like the lunch with them anyway.....haha.......

than i went home and now here im blogging bcos i felt bored and btw grats my sis for finding her love again.....hope this time can last longer or something....haha...no offence.....

lol the homework r piling up so much man....got gp to finish....got history to revise for cos tmr i have a mock test....which was like so sudden lah...irritated by that....haha.....than i gotta revise liao.....i dun wanna lose to all my smart frens.....sometimes feel that i m seriously lagging bhind.....i dun wanna have this kind of feelings again....haha....

dunno is me or wad....somewad inside me i dun feel quite good this few days.....dunno is it bcos of this person or wad.......haha anyway i guess is my own thinking bah......nah dun wish to probe on it lah let my studies come first and this type of things come ltr bah.........

seriously tired of being a human being having so much feelings....i wish i can slp forever........and ever.........dun wish to stay on in this world........no more worries and troubles to face maybe the best day of my life.....may bcome emo from now on............


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