

wow........its sunday........but too bad for me.........still need stay at home study sia......so boring lah it is like homework nv ends man....and btw chem is definitely boring me to death....who call me like chem so much until now this chemical bonding chapter which is boring like hell or something.....cos im seriously pissed off with memory work

so much white hair bcos of it sia....sianzzzzz....but anyway yesterday i heard a funny but somehow lame joke but i dunno y i keep backtrack until this joke......

the joker says,"宅女(fyi:宅女is gals who always stay at home and faces the computer)这个名字已经换成蜘蛛女"
audience asks," why???"
the joker says,"因为她们周日挂在网上."

wa lao i hear liao laugh until like crazy person sia..............funny right??? if not funny means u have lost ur funny bone.......pls go fine it back quickly........

lol........im bored man.........dam bored.......i noe i need to study but i cant focus and when i try to i lose my focus onto relaxing......dam it......life is so difficult.........lol.......

can someone help me out............anyone...........oh ya i forgot........i leave in a world on my own........who would be here to help me when i dun imagine one out...silly me............


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