
happy father's day

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY....to all the fathers in this world

okie today is sunday and im supposed to do alot of things but guess wad i have accomplished nothing until now...so sad right...ya i noe im lazy lah....

okie today i finished studying my maths...or should i say i just browse through it only haha...nv really go in depth to studying it lah...but anyway i still got study okie...

lol tmr is the deadline for the gp compsition and i haven even start finding the one i wanna write on and the info im gonna use in my gp compo...sianzz..hate gp sia....i dun like gp man...so sianz....my english always dam chum one than now still need write until so nice...omg...may faint sia....haha...

okie heres how i plan my time for today...firstly i shall go and study my history first....suk in it..haha than i shall go have my father's day dinner with my father of cos...haha..okie so when i come back than i will go do my gp quickly...as in quick but also good lah...if not mr tan gonna nag me again..haha....

okie and now here i m blogging while staying at home alone....so sad right...didnt wan to msn my frens....toking has bcome tiring for me...haha...prefer staying at home to rot and emo....lol..tonight parents say wan eat something good man...heard got very nice seafood haha but should not eat so much..dun destroy my current dream of slimming down with my jie and to study harder....extremely harder..lol...and also must ask my parents dun waste so much money on father's day man...cos one more month is my brithday....must get more money to buy presents for myself this yr...

must pull my fashion consultant, shimin, to buy me clothes...haha need buy nicer clothes cos she say she is good in fashion...haha....lol....but need see if she free mah cos her programs are like alot man....maybe she dun even have time to like breath i suppose...haha....

lol okie today's posting will b untill like tt bah...gonna go chiong my studies...cannot lose to 1s29 man....cos some of the ppl r like dam smart one.....including my mummy meryl...haha...must make myself look smart too...haha...


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