

okie today wake up at 7.15am.........wa early right.......lol no choice lah........got chem extra lessons at 8.30.........my god.......sianz lah now holidays but stil have togo back for extra lessons and the worst of all we r the least class without this make up lesson....omg.....

lol okie lah but nvm.....i still have to lor no choice......and okie not tok abt the not so important part where i take bus to sch and those kinds of things......okie now into today's main thing......when to chem and saw ms liu in cab coming to school......and omg.....she couldnt see me when she was in the cab but i saw her.....lol......so chum right.....haha bad eyesight......lol jk jk...

okie next proceed to the chem lesson......haha ms liu was late by 5 mins i think bcos when we went into the class room it was 8.35am liao but nvm....not much ppl turn up for this lesson n the last to come is guo ren which is at around 9am le....lol ms liu was like abit angry and wad lah but nv waste time to scold.......haha heng......dun waste time on such ppl.....lol so aft class...which is 10.30am...ms liu read out the ppl's names who nv turn up for extra lessons....during the two weeks thing than ms liu was shocked when she saw my name and weikai's name bcos we forgot to check time table and missed out gp and we tot chem was the starting lesson......so late lor......than our names were handed up so ms liu was like shocked.......lol.......than jeremy said,"u saw my name also shock right???".......than ms liu reply.......haha im not shock bcos i soemhow predicted it.......and the funniest thing is bfore she read out the name.......she said.....of all the teachers and the yrs teaching she has nv receive so much of names from every subject teacher.....than we were like......no help our class is like that one......

lol so sad to hear such a teacher saying something like tat.......in addition ms liu stil treat us so good........haha.........than we speechless......so speechless......lol but anyway aft the whole thing we helped ms liu to cary up the laptops from the chem lab to the library........haha.....it sounds liek hard work right.......haha ya lor......ms liu torture us sia.........haha fake one lah ms liu where will torture us......she is an angel while we r little devils.......haha........no lah........

lol so aft the whole library thing(didnt wan to tok abt it.too boring)........than went home with weikai they all......meryl left first while i go with them to buy waffle......it is like they buy than i just stand there wait lor......somehow feel so left out whenever going with them...dunno y leh........is like the 4 of them got things to tok but i dun have.........lol......im not thinking too much lah but i actually dun feel very good abt this.....but nvm lah.....try to suppress inside me.......

haha my life is that bad one.....no help......only got good frens during og period........other than that all not very good.....and another good fren aft og period is definitely meryl lah........the one and only in my class.....others in my class is regarded normal...

lol okie not another sentence of that.......lol......tok more i more sad.......haha......okie than now here i m trying to write a blog while i cant find my song.......i dunno y i couldnt download my music dammit.......must go find my good fren hwee siang to help.......haha.......okie so signing off........


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