
bored day

today is quite a fruitful day for me man.....

started off toking to cherilyn......wow the first time i tok to her for so long...haha love her lah for actually remembering to help me get info on history remedial classes....haha lotsa thanks man....and she finally gave me her blog the name le....she said it was too emo at first...haha...

okie time flies....didnt quite play maple today....ya i noe maple is a boring game not played by meryl and weikai.....but tt is how i destress okie...wads wrong with tt....haha....anyway went make set up my pw the survey on surveymonkey.com...it was quite easy to set up and i got it started rather quickly....haha...

okie than it ws like around 4pm bah which hwee siang login for awhile to like help me finihs up my survey...the first person man.....haha....n than he had to like go back t montfort for scouts...but thanks alot brother....haha....

than around 4pm when to tok to my real brother...haha....

10.30pm++ came up to use the comp than like started toking to tat loong meryl and shimin at the same time.....haha....meryl was like omg cos she didnt finish her gp essay which was like due yesterday.....than went to tok to shimin....which happen to noe a new cute guy....but speaking from the bottom of my heart...he aint tt cute....lol...dun mind me for saying this so str8....haha...than tat loong was like....lol...first time tok to him for so long man...

so we first tok abt the survey i sent to him than aft which i asked him if he got revise...and the answer is very obvious...no.....and the reason was he couldnt concentrate....cos he was thinking of gals....haha....tat loong dun think liao lah.......must revise hor....lol...and than we tok abt our subjects and than abt someone than finally we tok abt louis...haha haven seen him for like so long liao....unfortunately....he got to stay back to retake o lvls...he didnt do quite well and i was rather sad for him....but now his science is still nt there yet but his maths is like....wow...and that is good news....tat loong said wanna find one day go meet up with louis and him and than we 3 go dinner.....

wad a good idea bcos tat loong haven not go bak to take his cert......haha...

lol im searching for u.....can i only see u aft sch reopens....maybe the only time i get to see u is only at this short period of time but seeing u once makes my day.......maybe fate allows us to see each other for only that time......nothing more....TT


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