
first day of term 3

FIRST DAY OF SCH....is boring...

omg im like so tired from one whole day in sch lah...
first lesson history i nearly fall aslp liao lor...
haha....we got our next pw teacher...
he was a guy...and he is also the dm...
lol but he is such a nice guy man...
okie than we saw our maths teacher...
name was lim ting...
sounds like a gal right
than aft tt it was a guy man..
lol we were like shocked....
haha....than the whole day was boring until chinese...
yeah bcos chinese teacher when for invigilating....
she left us a piece of work....
it was quite easy lah...finish up and im off
haha than when to the hougang polyclinic with weikai....
lol he was like so sick lah....haha...
than he asked me to stay.....lol so i just stayed....
ltr on he asked me to go inside with him to see the doctor...
wa he dam evil sia asked for one whole week of excuse from pe...
wa i was like so angry with him lah....
where need one whole week sia...
stupid doctor still give him sia...
lol than when to collect the medicine....
than went home with him by taking 62...haha...he was like so omg lah....
and aft all this i forgot to go cut my hair...
wa die liao lor tmr ms liu confirm scold one...
die liao die liao so afraid sia...haha..
than tmr still 5.30pm aft sch...sianz one lor...
how to go cut hair man....
lol intending to like buy a present for meryl for her bday..
but dunno if i will get back any presents or not...haha...no lah...
maybe i really go buy one for her lah....lol...
okie i end my post here man...dam tired...wanna go slp liao...
nitez everyone


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