
4th july

today was considered a bad day....
nothing went tt well lah...
for wad i noe not pw and defnitely not with my frens
pw was fucking sucky
my leader wasnt here....
than we were like stuck....totally stuck...
fucking pissed off with pw now...
i dun care liao....
i no hope in it liao...
gotta faster ltr go finish it up....
y is god torturing me like tt....
im so tired...
im seriously tired....
i think i will die young...
haha....okie than with my frens....
i think ppl should b careful of wad they say....
for example during history class...
she said im crazy...
hello im not crazy....im just complaining im tired...
if u dun wan to hear than tell me i wont even say im tired in front of u....
i had beta kp everything to myself...
nobody in this world ever listens....
im so fucking pissed off and tired....
if nobody listens than i shall tell no one...
i dunno how to say tis but i wish tt person is before me now
comforting me....
i seriously giving up on life....
from now unless someone toks to me i wont tok to anyone else....
so msn i login for nothing one....
i dun believe in frens anymore...seriously...
i shall "silence" myself from now....5 4 3 2 1
bye guys and gals....


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