
friday,4th july night

4th july...friday...night

i just have a heated argument with my classmate....
didnt noe y he is always like tt....
okie heres how it goes....
yesterday he told to go the table tennis camp....
than he told me he dun wan go lor
than i was like saying wad abt the $15 paid
he said nvm lor
than i was hello u promised to go one lor
than i already paid and he also paid up liao than u tell me u dun wanna go
i was angry bcos actually we had to pay up on thursday
but the table tennis captain said he 4.30pm than no more classes
than i smsed him to tell him we 3.30pm can go liao...
so he agreed we can pay up on friday
but than on thursday itself my last lesson was pw
than mr naha wanted my grp,evelyn's grp,weikai grp's to stay back
than we stayed back until 6.30pm bcos of pw
than when we walked down back to the concourse aft the pw meeting
we saw the captain than weikai said y dun pay now
than i paid for his part first
than on friday morning he told me he going johor
i didnt quite tok to him abt this thing
than until at night on msn
he told me he going johor
so i asked him lar(said this on top)
than i was angry and told him it cost money okie
than i told him if like tt y dun we friday pay up than if morning u tell me u going johor
than i dun have to pay and i can find an excuse and stuff
so i was dam mad
than the worst thing is he went to write on his msn as
im petty
hello u r the one who is at fault
always pang seh me
but this time i really have it
i seriously feel u dun even regard me as a fren
i dun see u pang seh evelyn they all
fine....if tt is how u wan it to b
than okie
dun wan to tok to u anymore
u r such an unreasonable person
i regarded u as a fren but i dun sense tt u regard me as one
since it is like tt....i think our frenship will end here....
provided if it had been one


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