

okie starting off with friday post
friday was chem lecture test day
i think it was quite badly done as i forgot most of wad i study when i went in
stupid right
the previous night i still mug so hard for it
anyway if god allows i think the questions i was able to do can guarantee me a just pass
anyway aft the test went to play badminton and bball with my tt frens
they are great man
going out with dam only guarantee laughter and joy
i will nv EVER get sad with them
anyway aft tt go home dam tired that i slept early
saturday, which was ystd
was quite boring though stayed at home the whole day
mugging n mugging n mugging
tok to my shanghai fren, ky, like most of the time
than tok to jr and weiming too
anyway ky is dam funny
nv ever fail to make me laugh
or lame in most cases
than at night cherilyn came and tok to me
haha she read my blog
which was like so dead for so long
but she still remember
how nice of her
anyway i toked to her abt the thing
she offered her concerned
haha and we even started planning when to meet
i suggested it and i hope i dun forget it
and also happy bday to amanda ystd
her sweet 18th yr old
now she is older than me
muahaha tmr go back sch can disturb liao
haha and she wanted a web cam
omg wad a "big" present
haha i nd to go find more ppl to chip in
if nt ltr heart pain pain
haha okie finally sunday
woke up at like around 10am
and started mugging
until parents come back with breakfast
they also bought me something
which is korean strawberries
it is god damn nice i tell u
sweet and a little bit of sour
so worth it i think
haha than until night time i still mugging
now finally squeeze a lil time to blog than go back to studies
omg when do i ever get a break man
and i wanna watch this movie call race to witch forest(i think so)
which is coming at march 12
i saw the trailer and i tot it is quite nice
finding many ppl to go watch with me
okie i think tts all...ciaos guys and girls


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