
sick of u

im sick and tired of u
u r just pure stubborn
im sry to post this on my blog
but im seriously sick liao
i cant believe tt u r saying u r nt weird where in fact u r
okie for the viewers of this post
lemme ask u question
if a guy and girl go out
shld the guy buy food or should the girl buy food?
shld ppl from boys sch have only male frens?
are all girls unreasonable and troublesome?
will a normal guy say something like u miss me ah to another male fren?
okie maybe the last one to u is normal
and we assume that tt is how u treat all ur best frens
but wad abt the other two
i said that u r weird
i told u why
and u went to find ms liu
okie i was fine with that
but than even she said u are nt weird
u think u should believe her?
no right cos she dunno how u r as a person and wad u do
dun tell me before u ask her u tell her all the "weird" things
no right...
therefore im sick of it
u make me repeat it so many times
but u still wont get it
and u said u dun assume things
u r assuming quite alot
for example i lost the class fund a hundred dollars
i told u abt it
and instead of asking how and wad happen
u ASSUME that i used it
wth u think im such a person?
wad do u take me for?
nvm...i wont bring up the past
lets just admit it
u have a weird thinking and i seriously dunno how tok to u
and i have tried how to make u a beta person
but since i failed
i can only wish u good luck
and hope tt in the future u wont die alone(even though u r okie with tt)
from now on i wont bother about u....
our frenship will become like normal frens...
or maybe worst off...those kind i see in college i said hi than we walk past each other
maybe it will be beta this way i guess


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