
gd news

today morning
ms liu said she wanted to c me and jeremy
i felt that it was weird
so aft going over to meet her
she told us to start studying
i felt tt it was quite weird
than aft which i realised tt she is hinting
hinting that we have the chance of re-taking the exam
when i first heard abt it
i was so happy lah
but than when i think again it means that i didnt make it
so basically it is just a gd news and a bad news
but nevertheless
i got this last chance
this is my last chance
i nd to make it
if nt i wont b with my laoma next yr in j2
i really want to promote
i wonder if this is a chance given to me by god
so i will work hard
i will work so hard to make this right
the chance is here
and now it depends on how i make use of it
so yes i will work hard
dam dam hard
for all my 3 H2s and GP
ya but definitely nt neglecting cl and pw


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