
1st day of ignoring him

reply to shimin.....
not tt i wan end this thing
it is since his so happy now
y should i go on and beg him back to b my fren
u noe my previous sec sch fren
i continued to b his fren
but i dun think this way is plausible
to me since his so happy now wad for go destroy his "happiness"
i bet i can survive without this fren
and btw im disappointed with u
u let me down again
i told u if u tried it once u will have another time
u promised me bfore
but u break it again
y do i always have frens breaking their promises
im seriously sick and tired of it....
i think i will end of today's post with some pics.....enjoy!!
the shirt i wore for the cip........
the pencil box given to me by meryl....


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