
saturday 5th july and sunday morning 6th july

Saturday 5th july

woke up at 6.30am
dam tired u noe
saturday still got pw
freak right
went to sch around 7.35am and stuff
met up with yanhui faizal and one more unreasonable guy
didnt tok to him at all
i told my grp to find another place
than we went to the canteen to do up the pw
laveena came at 8.36am
ltr than wad we tot
somehow got a feeling she is not like the leader at all
not role modelling herself
bt dun wanna probe on tt
than 9am we went to itr2
dam nice sia the rm
we didnt get to go in bfore
wad a nice and comfortable place to do pw
if u nv been there for once in ur jc life
u beta gotta go in once
okie than pw continued on to 11.15am
mr naha tok to me to 12pm
than i went to put my chinese homework on mdm tan's pigeon hole
than when i walk out i saw her
lol....told her i put in her pigeon hole
she said she will go take it
than i went home lor
when i got home
i had my breakfast and like didnt bother to study until dunno wad time
than evening went to eat at near koven there the punggol nasi lemak...
wa the queue was dam long sia
i think we reacher there at 6.45pm++
finished our dinner at 8pm
the whole time was smsing cherilyn and shimin
haha...had a great time toking to her
even though i reach home liao i also smsed her
she asked me wad present i wan
told her maybe a pair of lover's shirt
than she said if i buy that for u i have to buy another one for myself
than she said can dun give this present
than i told her my plain was ruin
she said okie...i will get tt for u
lol...so happy now...
dunno if i should buy one for her
okie than we chatted till 11.45pm++
than she said she wan go slp liao
than i also went to slp lor...
cos she said dun so late slp mah....
haha so basically this is wad happened lah

Sunday 6th july morning

woke up at 11.56am
wth raining sia
so boring lah....
today i learnt something new
there is one chinese and one english birthday
lol actually i learned of it a long time ago
just tt now than i got blog than i blog lor
haha they intended to buy me they cake i wanted
but they cant find it
dun care liao today i will go to hougang mall and find it out
bsides this also gotta buy present for meryl
lol....so maybe tt is the plan for today
dunno where my parents going to bring me to eat tonight
hope it will b of my liking...
haha....okie so maybe blog until here bah tonight thn blog again


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