
shouldnt be a sad day...u ruined everything

just finish quarrelling with someone
and tt someone is the same person from table tennis
and oso my classmate
he was angry over me looking at his marks...
it wasnt on purpose i wanted to noe who top
so i just looked down and i saw he was top
wads wrong with me wanting to noe whos top
he said i invaded his privacy
i seriously have a happy day
y did u have to ruin it
it is not the first time liao
every time theres a long conversation with u
definitely ends up with a quarrel
u said im petty
did u ever reflect on urself
did u not noe that whos the childish person arguing over such stupid things
i said i have a happy day....dun argue pls...
u die die also wan continue
y...u tell me y
for this time im seriously pissed off with u
evelyn they all look at ur marks u nvm
for me u have to condemn me
for this matter and the table tennis camp thing
why must u always do this to me when im happy
dun blame me for saying this....u r such a bastard
fine since i dun feel like u treat me as a fren(not tt it even was once)
i think i will officially end tis frenship
from today onwards in 1s29
my only fren is meryl...
and others in this jc
so i end my blog post here....with a heavy heart
i noe in msn u write tt finally u r happy
if tt is true...im sry that i was an extra thing in ur life in 1s29
seriously if u have the chance to see this...
i think i would have gotten out of ur life....thoroughly
hope i can control my emotions
i nd u cherilyn
where r u
im at the most worst feelings nw in my life
im trying to control my feelings over this frenship between him
i nd u to comfort me now
where r u!!!!!


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