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yo everyone....

lol so long nv blog liao....
quite busy this few days man
with pw and stuffs it is making me mad
but anyway
today i had my chinese oral
i think i screwed up big time
i really think i screw up big time
weikai still kp saying i will pass
it is not necessarily i will pass
cos in comparison to others....
i feel inferior man
okie enuff abt tt
quite tired today
in addition didnt noe where to start blogging
it is like i missed so many days
nvm than
maybe i will start a fresh new blog tmr
where im going to celebrate an early birthday
with my parents cos this yr it falls on a tuesday
quite an unpleasant day
cos i go home at 5.30pm man
seriously irritating lah
but at least beta than monday
okie maybe i end my post today with this
guoren i find tt if u not so irritating
ur jokes are dam funny and stuff
maybe i would even treat u as a fren...which im not doing now
haha....okie so maybe i'll end off now


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