
my happiest day of my life

YEAH.....Cherilyn finally accepted...

i can only say....
today is the starting of THIS life
gonna treat her with care and love....like im holding a very exquisite crystal thingy
dun wanna let her get scratched or sad...or worst broken-hearted...
maybe this is wad we call fate....
at first tot tt it was a game...
at sakae sushi with shimin tt time...
we wanted to prank her....
with those silly messages and stuffs...
but started to realise it is not....
it is real man...
than finally....
here it is....the day have arrived
at first tot would tio reject sia
but now im not rejected....
dunno wad to do sia...
first time in relationship
wad should i do....
when should i do it....
how should i do it....
maybe these answers will come into my mind ltr....
everyday must sms her until her handphone spoil....
but must also study...
i hope i can cope
but i noe with her around....
everything will b like a breeze...
i noe she will always b there to share my stress, troubles and even problems...
hope and pray everyday....
for this relationship to last long...as long as possible...
this means my love for her has not changed


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