
cip day 1

early in the morning 8.30am...
cherilyn sms me...woke me up...
but nvm cos i feel tt im slping too much
okie than wake up liao switch on comp try to find out where the hell is toa payoh spc
follow up went to hougang mall to c doc
he said my in-grown toenail is not tt bad
lol...i wonder wad is the term bad to him man
i was bleeding and pus-sing
lol....than still tell me nt tt bad
than in the end he gave me 2 choices
one is to remove it and hte other one massage....
and u noe wad
i didnt get to choose man
he say i suggest u massage
than i was like okie
than when i was abt to leave i asked him how to massage
than he gave me...."u dunno how to massage" face
omfg...of cos i ask lah
hello the right side of the toe is swollen
if i massage it of cos pain right
stupid doc
no brain one
than my father still say i dumb
than somehow got a little quarrel
but than a abt 10 or 15 mins ltr
while having breakfast
we tok and lauhg like nobody's business
haha....me and my father like tt one
weird right
than the whole morning is like i keep stomachache lah
dunno y sia
maybe yesterday the tom yam steamboat make me lao sai
haha....dam nice lah yesterday the steamboat feast
lol...so when i reach home is like 10.45am
omg it is like im so gonna b late for the cip thing
worst thing is until this pt
i still dunno where is it
than i take the risk lor ask bus driver
haha so went i came home bath and dress up
it was already 11am...
than quickly rush to take 74 down to amk mrt
than change to mrt down to toa payoh than went i came out
i waited for 232
wow when it came right the bus driver was a lady
this lady was like dam kind lah
she is way beta than other freaks out there
haha asked her than she say quite a long distance
so everybody sitting in the bus comfortably i was busy looking out for spc
haha than when i saw spc right
i should quickly get down right
but i did the contrary
i sit down looking at it while passing by
than i went to ask the lady than she say ya
i forgot abt u
than she say aft the u turn u can alight and it is quite near
than i said ty ty
than when i alight i walk quite a short distance and i reach liao
wa she is so correct
haha so i crossed the road and when to register
saw this guy which i didnt quite like him during tt
but than when i went there he said hi so i said hi lor
than we somehow click so fast
than went to collect my shirt
wa the shirt was flourescent green man
haha went to get changed
than saw yong feng,alfred,aaron
than asked them to get change and register than went to start cip
we were asked to go over the other side of the petrol station
which was the entrance
haha....quite fun lah
even though the sun was shining brightly
than i became the "bagman"
cos i was in charge of the goodie bags
haha they gave me this name sia
whenever got ppl they say bagman bagman
okie i gotta admit
this world is quite full of cheapskates
they brought so little things to give and they so many goodie bags(gb for short)
at first i didnt noe how to handle such situations
but than ltr i just gave them lor
btw got so many
haha.....than time flies
without knowing it is 3.30 liao
than took grp pic
than everybody went to take their certs
haha quite nice cert
okie than everybody got changed except me
didnt wanna change lah
than accompany aaron to buy jolly shandy
haha cheers dun allow us to buy one lor
but spc allow man
so good....
okie than we went to take bus
we tot the bus stop got 232 and we stand there for awhile
than good thing dunno who saw only got 57
lol we were like
okie lets go
than we didnt tell edwin and his gang
than aft we walk going to the opposite bus stop
than i smsed him
than aft tt i found out he going bishan =.=
haha felt somewad embarrased
cos is like we tot of dun wan tell them
than let them stand there whole day
than in the end we r somehow jacked
haha but anyway our bus came than everybody decided go where lunch
haha they argued over mac long john
than finally everybody agreed to kfc
haha...than we went there to eat
u noe wad i ordered a student zinger meal
and than i upsized the whipped potato
n omg i upsized it to the largest cos i like to eat mah
than i didnt noe it was so large
than they all tell me is couples than order so big one
lol than we had such a lunch/dinner
so funny lah i asked them wad type of good is kfc
they all give me wrong answer
than i told them to look at the sign
lol they took so long to understand lor
haha....guys the answers are always appearing on advertisement
than we dunno lunch until wad time cos when we go take bus i saw it was like
haha than father call to ask me if im coming home
lol.....than he also asked me if i wanna dinner with him and bro
than i said yes
lol than i said i'll meet him at hougang mall the cheers outside
than i reached so early man
didnt noe why
than waited for them so long
sad lor
than finally they came than we went to hougang mall to eat
haha....my father ate yong tau foo
haha i shared the food without rice
haha....cos i was still full from kfc
should have ordered largest whipped potato
haha but anyway
it was nice okie
than aft dinner went to take 27 home
haha....quite a tired day
and i remembered i haven start filing my tings
confirm tmr let teachers scold liao
beta file mine tonight bfore bed
cos im dam tired
but anyway it was fun...
n i learned that without him...table tennis is so fun
i should always do things with an open-mind
haha so maybe i'll end of here


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