
long time no blog...haha

IM BACK!!!!!!
haha...yes im seriously back into blogging
miss me right...i noe
im back from my chalet stay man
it was organised by adeline....
so we had two whole days of fun
starting from satuday aftnoon to sunday nite
haha on saturday was adeline's chinese birthday
haha.....ya had bbq the whole day
okie so maybe i shall tell u all wad happened on this 2 days
basically on saturday
i went down to the chalet like at 2pm nearing 3pm
i was the first to reach...haha...
anyway adeline's mum was so good
than ltr on at around 3.30pm adeline's frens came...
1 of them were liwen and the other was may
they were quite frenly lah
haha maybe a little bit abt them first
liwen come frm tpjc and may is millenia institute
okie than we started to like bbq
but it started to rain
so we bbq the prawns than faster when inside the room
than aft finishing the prawns
adeline tok to her frens
while me myself play my psp
haha i tot jeanne darc wasnt a nice game
but than it was actually quite fun
than nearing 5 right when to escape with adeline
her 2 frens were slping...zzzz
haha anyway when we went in
we played the pirate ship but than aft riding it
adeline was like so scared
bascially i didnt get mch fun out of it
haha....but no choice cos she scared
than we went to get our complimentary ticks
cos got 4 rides down
dam sianz lor all the nice and shiok rides are down
boring sia
when back to the chalet
amanda arrived
adeline's relatives also arrived
haha than we started bbqing
than when it was quite enuff
we went back in n sit around to tok
we ate....
fried bee hoon
taiwan sausages
fried chicken
bbq chicken
okie so basically this are wad we ate
than sit there tok tok tok until like almost 10
where weiming and shimin show up
we were waiting for shimin to come
cos she was the only one who haven reach
than we went to cut the cake and sing birthday song to her
took some photos
bt the others was at her relative's camera zzzz
so i only can post this one up for u all.....

she fierce right...haha
okie so basically tts wad happened
almost nearing 11+pm
liwen and may went hme
aft sending them off
shimin tsze feng amanda weiming adeline and me
went outside to like bbq
than adeline's relatives also went off
left her mum
than we bbq while her mum read the newspaper
haha than we were liek toking abt ghost stories tt happened
in our sch
hougang sec emerged as the "winner"
haha than amanda and weiming left
so left us 4
haha we went inside to take some pics
it is all in shimin's camera
than we chatted with auntie than the timing was like 12 plus
than we went to buy some alcohol
i bought my favourite jolly shandy and shimin bought 2 breezer
haha the lime was quite nice lah
anyway we drank and chatted to like 2 plus
tsze feng fell aslp, follow by adeline, i forgt if adeline's mum fell aslp or not
than follow by me than shimin
one cool thing we found out during the chat
adeline's mum is so cool
she was so open man
she brought her daughter to clubbing
my god...so cool
she is the coolest mum i noe so far
haha she totally own mine
and i tot mine was quite open liao
haha anyway i slept till like 8.30am on sunday morning
smsed my table frens
cos got cip
sianz lor than i went to bath and stuff
bbq for breakfast too
than aft which i went for my cip
omg commonwealth was a wrong choice
the bitch there is dam fierce lah
fuck her lah....i dun mean it literally
she dam pain in the ass
dun wan tok how bad she is
make my blog post look bad
than aft cip i quickly went back to chalet
went to escape with shimin
we went to take the pirate ship first
than at first she say she dun wan play inverter
bt aft the pirate ship we went to play
haha e inverter was breath-taking
seriously no joke man
if those ppl who have a weak heart
and get scared easily
u beta dun go take
i guarantee u will faint
but i thought it was fun and i played it 2 times
the first time was shouting like mad
the second was quite calm
and the inverter goes 360 degrees around
so maybe u will tink twice bfore sitting it
i think of it i wan play sia
okei than went back to chalet and bid farewell to auntie
cos i nd go home do homework
but bfore i reach home
i felt a little bit hungry
than ordered mee goreng
but the ppl below so wad lor didnt bother abt me
than i just tell the auntie i wan this than waited for so long
but during this waiting period
my parents came down to eat dinner
8pm liao still haven eat
so cancelled the order than eat with them
nice dinner man bsides the bitches ppl who work there
so wad lor we ordered the food first she gave others
fuck her man
cb so guai lan
than aft finishing my dinner
i went home to do my work
i only managed to like finish my gp
than history quiz and essay nv touch than slp liao
but good thing is today the quiz i totally own it
cos it was the same as last yr
meryl gave me to look at it bfore the quiz
thanks to her
haha i really like her as my fren
my best fren
haha than essay i did it during break
although i didnt complete
he nv scold me
or even ask me do a full outline as punishment
dam good sia this mr wong
but cannot always take advantage of him lah
than gp was somehow cruel
cruel in the sense we watched videos of seals being killed
for fur and stuffs
than it was lunch
lunch was fun
cos meryl and i shared a secret and it was funny
cannot write here if not i die
than it was pw
dun wan tok abt pw cos my grp leader was like omg
than chinese was okie
than chem make up
quite fun lah in a way or another
in chem tutorial i dun feel slpy one sia
dunno y but other lessons make me wanna slp
so basically this was wad happened this few days
posted some pics below
and lotsa THANKS TO
Ms liu
my real brother
shimin,tsze feng and amanda
or their presents
this was given by ms liu
my b'day cake
b'day cake part 2
magic light given to me by my bro...love him man
the beer shimin and i drank
present gave to me by shimin amanda and tsze feng...still got one more nike bottle
okie so tts all folks..


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