
first time at cash studio

okie i shall post wad happened ystd
which was saturday 11 oct
ystd didnt intend to go out
cos friday we were like still didnt noe wad to do
but in the end i asked jr and sf to go play bad
haha they agreed
cos it has been a long time since we went out
than we went to play bad
i think we started playing around 2pm
went to sf hse to play
tt side quite gd lah
except for the fact that it wanted to rain but didnt rain in the end
haha than ystd i was totally suck in badminton
dunno y but i wasnt as well as i was with them the first time
so in the end jr was the one who was doing beta
jr and me vs sf and kendrick
kendrick is sf fren
played with him with meryl and they all previously
than play until 4pm plus
was a little bit bored
sit at the court
than started playing cards
lol than i won one time in dai di
than aft tt sf introduce a new game for us
omg it was god damn fun lah
next time must ask him to write down
it was sort of a memory game
next time teach meryl they all
than aft which around 5pm
sf walk his fren kendrick home
than we went to sf hse
on the way to his hse
we started to tok whether wan to go sing k
cos me and jr brought extra clothes
just in case we wanted to go out
than aft which reach sf hse
he went to bath
than we wanted to bath but than his hse no extra towel
so i ask jr come my hse to bath
than we went rivervale plaza to buy a towel
than jr come my hse to bath
bfore jr could finish sf came
than it was my turn to bath
aft which we went to take bus to hougang mall
than went to the hawker centre there for dinner
i ordered mixed vege rice
1 vege 1 tofu and 1 egg
omg it cost me 2.30
and the tofu is those round one
only got 3
tha vege was so miserable and the egg was about the size everywhere
omg so expensive in terms of serving amount
hais nvm
than went to take mrt
omg there was the blood donation drive happening inside the mrt
and when we went down we had to wait 9 mins for our train
that was the longest time i had to wait for one train
and the worst thing is
inside the train there was so many ppl
but gd thing by the time we reach clarke quay there wasnt alot of ppl
than we walked for abt 10mins
we reached one place which i went there for lyrics writing and singing classes
which i think happened during sec 2 that time
it was free
the sch paid for us
than we went to the shopping centre
inside was somehow vacant or wad lah cos i think it is going to be demolished
than went to this k called cash studio
sf was a member there
than he asked for a studio with the most recent songs
but sad to noe is tt it was booked
but the kind lady and quite pretty at her age
gave us this room to sing until tt guy come than we have to change
so we tot okie lor sing first
than we went inside
the drinks were free
jr ordered coke...sf ordered green tea while i ordered orange juice
it was in can lah
so kinda cheapskate
but than when u see the drinks price
u will go wa!!!!
than we started to sing
we started to 点歌
the whole singing k section was fun
sf got to sing his jap songs
than we sag our chinese songs
it was such a fun day
than reach home about 11.15pm
wad a day
went to watch the 我猜 show
but in the end fell aslp at dunno wad time but i dun think it was long
than couldnt stand it than went to slp
so today...sunday....i will chiong my pw
okie so basically tts it for today
pw only
haha shall go do pw now and blog next time


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