

gt my results today
hais i got 32 pt only
couldnt make it cos 35 was the mark
so near yet so far
can i blame myself for being stupid??
can i blame myself for not studying hard??
i dunno...im seriously sad
not sad until that extent but still......
seeing everyone around me promoting
getting pts like 40+
makes me more sad
found out that tsze feng and pris and yingzhao cant make it
nvm i understand how they feel
i still have a re-exam chance
i should work hard
but than again....the feeling....
the feeling of sadness
hais....dam lor
why cant retribution befall on "him"
he was such an evil person
i wonder why god is so unfair
nothing in this world is fair
nt to me i say
i sometimes wonder why evil ppl like him gets promoted
and still get 50+ points
i think i will remain emo-ing
anyway dun let my frens noe
i will make myself look normal
dun wan them to worry for me
hais they gt their probs too
okie i think i go slp and study ltr


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