
aft chinese A lvl

im so afraid now
i told them it was quite okie lah the paper
but than u noe i really am afraid
maybe will fail and maybe will pass
i dunno....leave to fate???
but than again whenever i say leave to fate and god's hand right
in the end i will be afraid here and there
dunno lah this kind of feeling will go away if i forget abt it
and nobody toks abt it again lah
the compo i didnt write much lor
3pages and 2 lines only
saw andre writing 4 pages
omg lor
chum liao
no hope liao
i wan my A
can i do it?
will i make it?
hais cant answer them...
and pw sucks lah
op really sucks big time
i hate it
and mine is next tuesday
and guess wad?
aft the whole thing every1 will be enjoying life
while i study for re-exam again
omg i cant take the stress
who should i find to tell my stress to
i guess no1
nt even my og frens/god-mummy/god-daddy/god-jie
so ya i think they will nt understand me
even they do so they wont noe how to remove it
so wad for say liao more sad
hais im seriously damn tired now
but wad can i do....
and today if u all manage to read until here
no cookie....cos cookie guy is unhappy...


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