
nearing the re-exam

okie monday 10th november
raining in the morning but stopped during the afternoon
woke at at 10am cos of the rain
than i was like having a nice dream
than got woke up by it
so dam annoyed
than went downstairs to watch tv
than watch tv until like 11.50pm than go back upstairs to prepare to go sch
cos faizal said to reach by 1pm
sianz i reach there like at 12.45
cos my bus today was early
than saw andre
sat down bside him
good thing i saw him cos basically i knew nothing of the venue
so found out we should go Lt1
okie not bad
than i saw jiaren
than saw eugene
and aft seeing eugene
i saw sf
which was walking in front of eugene
okie now tt is weird
but coincidental
haha anyway
than we stand there tok
than i saw nicholas fren
omg i was like so god damn embarrassed now
it is like my cousin
saw this guy on frenster
and she went to add him
cos when i was toking to shimin on one fine night until around 2am in the morning
this email came
than it was like u and this guy are frens
wow shock of my life duh!
than aft which i send an email to him to be frens
cos u noe she did the trouble
and than but this guy deleted me from frenster
than i was like okie nvm
than i saw my shoutout was changed
into quoted from mamma mia"if he were to be free, he wouldnt fancy me"
than i was like wad....cos if u all got watch this movie
the lyrics was like tt
than i was like wth
i really wanted to kill my cousin
but u noe i cant right
so i assume that this guy must have saw this and think wrongly
that is my guess lah definitely
but i CHANGED it
so ya return to today
and i saw this guy
omg omg
i like quickly move to my frens's side
lol i was like so afraid
omg omg die lah
im dying of embarassment
hmmm any proposed ideas to deal with this
u can tag on my blog
sianz now i nd to go back to study econs
and i haven even finish doing my 4 essays
cos i haven study finish econs
i was like at my second lecture book
still got one more
finish le than can start writing
die liao lah the exams are near but i haven finish studying
die i nd to pass u noe
no use getting worried
but there is use to work hard
so i will do it now
so end of today post..
(rolling credits)


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